csTimer version 2023.06.28 - Professional Speedcubing/Training Timer
Tiếng Việt
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csTimer is a professional timing program designed for Rubik's cube speedsolvers, it provides:
- Amounts of scramble algorithms, including all WCA official events, varieties of twisty puzzles, training scramble for specific sub steps (e.g. F2L, OLL, PLL, ZBLL, and can filter cases), etc
- Plenty of statistics functions, it supports time-split timing; Any number of sessions, session split/merge, etc.
- Varieties of solver, such as Cross, Xcross, 2x2x2 face, Skewb Face, SQ1 shape, for learning or training these sub steps.
- Other auxiliary tools, such as scramble image, 8-second inspection (voice) alert, metronome, batch-scramble generator, etc.
- Backup function, For avoiding data missing, you can backup your solves to local files, csTimer's server or Google storage.
csTimer supports most of modern desktop browsers, on mobile phone and tablet PC, you can add csTimer to your home screen, and it will work as a native APP.
csTimer takes advantage of browser cache, which consumes traffic only when you open it for the first time, after that, csTimer is able to work without network connection (except for functions like backup)
csTimer is an open source software that follows the GPLv3. If you have any suggestions or comments on csTimer, please submit it here
Written by: Shuang Chen (cs0x7f@gmail.com)
UI designed by: Yue Zhang (liebe7@126.com)
Basic functions
- How to start timing - Hold the space bar (or both of left and right Ctrl keys, or touch the screen on mobile devices) and wait for the timer to turn green, the timer will start timing once the space bar is released, press any key to stop timing and the solving time will be record.
- UI description - There are 6 buttons near the logo of csTimer: option, export, scramble, list times, donate, tools, click on the scramble, list times, tool to open the corresponding function panel.
- Scramble panel - In the Scramble panel, you can select scramble type, set scramble length and case filter (if available), review previous scramble, generate next scramble.
- List times panel - In the list times panel, you can open session manager by clicking "Session", select/add/delete sessions, empty session by the selector and the button next to, then you can view the current single/average, best single/average, and the full time list.
- Tools panel - In the tool panel, you can select specific auxiliary functions, including scramble image, scramble generators, solvers, other kinds of statistics, etc.
Keyboard shortcut
Key | Function |
Alt + 1 | Scramble type to Square-1. |
Alt + 2 ~ 7 | Scramble type to 2x2x2~7x7x7. |
Alt + p/m/c/s | Scramble type to pyra/megaminx/clock/skewb. |
Alt + i | Scramble type to input. |
Alt + d | Remove all times in current session. |
Alt + z | Remove the latest time. |
Alt + up/down | To next/last session. |
Alt + left/right | Display last/next scramble. |
Ctrl + 1/2/3 | The latest time is OK/+2/DNF |
Option details
- Amagar tots els elements en el cronometratge. Hide logo and all panels when timing.
- Milisegons. Display the millisecond digit, no matter whether it is checked, the internal timing accuracy of csTimer is 1 millisecond.
- Format de temps. Time format to display.
- Exportar automàticament (per cada 100 resolucions). If checked, csTimer will export the solves automatically per 100 solves to the specified place, local file, csTimer server, or Google Storage.
- Importar dades no més recents. If you've uploaded multiple backups, you can import from one of the up to 10 most recently uploaded backups, if you accidentally upload an empty backup, this option will help you retrieve your solves.
- missatges de pista al logo. csTimer's Logo will serve as an information display panel that prompts for a variety of information you may be interested in, such as breaking PB.
- Mostrar Mitjanes. Two lines of labels are displayed below the the main timer, the current two averages, ao5 and ao12 by default.
- Zoom. You can adjust sizes of all elements by this option.
- Seleccionar font del cronòmetre. Font of the main timer.
- Disseny d'interfície d'usuari és. You can switch ui design to material-like, or hide shadows by this option.
- Estil de la IU. Switch between desktop and mobile views.
- Tipus de panell de barreja. Make scramble panel embedded into background.
- Tipus de panell d'estadístiques. Make list times panel embedded into background.
- Tipus de panell d'eines. Make tool panel embedded into background.
- opacitat de la imatge de fons. Opacity of the background image.
- imatge de fons. You can select your own image as the background image, however, only https urls are available due to security constraint of the browser.
- Mida del cronòmetre. Set the size of main timer.
- Fer servir lletra petita després del punt decimal. Use a smaller font size after the digital point in main timer.
- Utilitzar el ratolí com a cronòmetre. Use mouse to start timer, keyboard-trigger will also be available.
- Inspecions WCA. Enable WCA inspection procedure, which is a 15-second countdown, auto +2/DNF penalty will also be enabled if you inspecting more than 15 seconds.
- Alerta d'inspecció WCA. Alert at 8s/12s of inspection, to simulate the alert from judge in WCA competitions.
- Volum de Veu. Voice level of the alert above.
- Entrar temps amb. csTimer is able to add solves by several ways, it supports manually input, automatically record from a stackmat timer, connect to a bluetooth smart cube or play virtual Rubik's cube, besides keyboard timing.
- Unitat en registrar un nombre enter. When you type an integer XXX in the input box, what does it mean, XXX second or XXX centisecond or XXX millisecond?
- Actualització de temporitzador. How timer is updated when timing.
- Temps d'espera de l'espai(Segon(s)). How long the space bar should be held before the timer turns green.
- Multiples fases. Number of phases, press any key to mark a split point when timing.
- Utilitzar Informació d'Estat de Stackmat. Stackmat will report its state, e.g. whether left or right area is touched, then csTimer is able to use these information, however, the data error might occur and cause unexpected behavior.
- Mida de la barreja. Size of the scramble text.
- Tamany automàtic de barreja. The size of the scramble text will be automatically adjusted by the length of the scramble, which works with together previous option.
- Barreja Mono-espai. Use monospaced font for scramble text.
- Limitar l'altura de l'àrea de barreja. When the scramble area is too high, a scroll bar will occur to avoid the raising of the scramble panel.
- Aliniament de l'àrea de barreja. Alignment of the whole scramble area, include scramble type selector.
- pre-scramble. Pre moves before scramble, which is used for virtual Rubik's cube and scramble image.
- Fer servir barreja ràpida per 4x4x4 (no-oficial). WCA official 4x4x4 scramble requires huge computation resources, select this option to use a random-move scramble for 4x4x4 instead.
- Marcar moviment(s) clau en la barreja. Mark a key move in the scramble, e.g. the move that take the state away from square shape in SQ1 scrambles.
- Acció a la hora de fer clic a la barreja. Behavior when you click on the scramble text, copy scramble or generate next scramble.
- Nombre de resolucions no contants a cada costat. Number of solves trimmed at head and tail of solves when calculating average.
- mostrar resum abans de llista de temps. Show the statistics table before time list.
- imprimir barreja/es a estadístiques. Print scramble in round statistics dialog.
- imprimir data de resolució a estadístiques. Print solving date in round statistics dialog.
- canviar el nom de la sessió immediatament després de creació. Immediately rename a session after creating it.
- crear nova sessió després de canviar tipus de barreja. When switching scramble type, a new session will be created.
- Llista de temps invers. Invert the time list, thus, latest solves will at the bottom of the time list.
- Opció de buidar sessions. When disabled, an '+' button (for session creating) will replace the 'X' button besides the session selector, thus, when clicked, a new empty session will be created instead of clearing the whole session.
- Mostrar índex absolut a l'informe d'estadístiques. Show absolute index in the session instead of 1 to number of solves (e.g. 1/2/3 for mo3) in round statistics.
- Mostrar estadístiques quan es fa clic al número de la resolució. When click the first row of the time list, show a round statistics for a single solve.
- Indicadors d'estadística. Statistical indicator for the statistics table, when customizing, aoX and moX are available.
- Habilitar Esborrat Multiple. Able to delete multiple solves starts from a solve, for avoid misunderstand, the selected solve will be the oldest solve to delete.
- precisió de distribució de temps. Time interval for the time distribution tool.
- Mostrar resolució progressivament. If selected, only the length of a solution from a solver is displayed, and you can view the solution one move by one move, otherwise, the whole solution is displayed.
- Mida de l'imatge de barreja. Set the size of scramble image.
- Nombre d'eines. csTimer is able to show up to 4 tools simultaneously.
- Fer servir dreceres del teclat. Use keyboard shortcut to switch scramble type, generate next scramble, switch between sessions, etc.
- Velocitat base VRC (tps). Base turn speed of the virtual Rubik's cube, the turn will be speed up if there are multiple moves to turn.
- Multi-fase. Automatic multi-phase split for virtual Rubik's cube and bluetooth cube.
- Mostrar cub Giiker virtual. Show a virtual Rubik's cube in the main timer when connecting to a bluetooth cube.
- Marcar com a barrejat si passen. For a bluetooth cube, csTimer cannot know whether a move is from for scrambling or solving.
- Marcar barrejat amb espai. When the space bar is pressed, the bluetooth cube is marked scrambled, any turns after that will treated as the start of timing.
- Marcar barrejat fent. Use specific move sequences on the bluetooth cube to mark scrambled.
- Emet so quan es marqui barrejat. Beep when some of scramble-finish signal is triggered.
- Reiniciar cub Giiker quan es connecti. When connecting to a bluetooth cube, csTimer will detect whether it is solved, if not, there might be some hardware problems or the cube is really unsolved.
- Detecció automàtica d'errors físics. Some bluetooth cubes will loss some of moves due to hardware failure, csTimer will try to detect such case.
Tools detail
- Generador de Barrejes. You are able to generate up to 999 scrambles with one click by this tool.
- Confirmar temps. Tool to view current solves with its comment, scramble, solving date and reconstruction if available, which is also the dialog when you click on a solve.
- Estadístiques absolutes. You are able to do cross-session statistics with this tool.
- Estadístiques. Statistic table similar with the table in the list times panel.
- Distribució de temps. Time distribution and stability analysis, <X Y/Z means there are totally Z solves less than X seconds, and all of the latest Y solves are less than X seconds in the session.
- Tendència de temps. Shows a trend curve of all solves in current session.
- Daily Statistics. Count number of solves each day/week/month/year.
- Dibuixar barreja. Scramble image to verify a correct scramble, all WCA puzzles are supported.
- Solucionadors > Solucionar S1 Roux. Roux 1st step solver, which solves a 1x2x3 block.
- Solucionadors > Solucionar línia EO. EO line solver, which solves orientations of all 12 edges, and positions of DF and DB edges.
- Solucionadors > Solucionar creu. Cross solver, which solve DF, DL, DR, DB edges.
- Solucionadors > Cara de 2x2x2. 2x2x2 face solver, which solves a face of 2x2x2 cube.
- Solucionadors > Cross + F2L. Cross and F2L solver, which solves Cross and 4 F2Ls with computer search, so the solution might be far from human solutions.
- Solucionadors > Roux S1 + S2. Roux 1st and 2nd step solver, which firstly solves a 1x2x3 block on the left face and then expend another 1x2x3 block on the right face with R, M, r, U.
- Solucionadors > 2x2x2 + 2x2x3. Petrus 1st and 2nd step solver, which firstly solves an 2x2x2 block on the left and then expend it to a 2x2x3 on the left.
- Solucionadors > EOLine + ZZF2L. Eoline and ZZF2L solver, which firstly solves the EOLine and then solve one of left 1x2x3 or right 1x2x3 and the solve the other 2x2x3.
- Solucionadors > SQ1 S1 + S2. SQ1 1st and 2nd step solver, which firstly solves the shape of SQ1 and then split U pieces and D pieces.
- Solucionadors > Pyraminx V. Pyraminx V solver, which solves three corners and two edges to shape into a 'V' pattern for pyraminx.
- Solucionadors > Skewb Face. Skewb face solver, which solves a layer of skewb, more specifically, 1 center and 4 neighbor corners.
- Cub Giiker. Auxiliary tool for bluetooth cube, which is able to show current state, battery power, real-time reconstruction etc.
- Metrònom. Metronome, besides beeping at specific frequency, you make it beep at specific time after starting solve as well.
- Barreja Comuna. Using same scrambles with friends by setting a common seed.
- stackmat. Auxiliary tool for Stackmat, which is able to view the status, power and noise level of the signal, etc.
Color schemes
Thank you for your willingness to support csTimer! Your donation will be used to support our development and maintenance costs.
If you would like to offer us a donation through PayPal, please click the button below or through PayPal.me.
You can also fund us by Alipay, scan the next two-dimensional code or please pay to the account: cs0x7f@gmail.com
Thank you again for your donation!
In case of failure check that Bluetooth is enabled on your system!
Browser you are using must support Web Bluetooth API. Consider using compatible browser, the best choice is:
- Chrome on macOS, Linux, Android or Windows
- Bluefy on iOS
Also you can check Web Bluetooth Community Group implementation status for complete list of different browsers and supported Web Bluetooth API features.